Connor Heating & Plumbing

Reasons AC is Not Working

It’s hot out, and you go to turn on your AC, but nothing happens. You groan in frustration, as this is something that nobody wants to happen. But don’t worry! There are many possible causes for why your air conditioner isn’t working, from a lack of power supply or incorrect wiring to an issue with the compressor.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the potential reasons why your AC isn’t operating efficiently and what steps you can take to get it up and running again!

Dirty Air Filters 

If you don’t change your air filter regularly, dirt and debris can build up and block airflow. It causes your AC to work harder than usual, reducing efficiency and potentially causing more costly repairs down the road. To prevent this from happening, remember to check and replace your filter every three months or as the manufacturer recommends.  

Faulty Thermostat Settings  

Another possible culprit of an inefficient air conditioner is incorrect settings on the thermostat. Check that it is set to “cool” mode and that the temperature is lower than the current room temperature. Additionally, make sure that the fan setting is switched to “auto” instead of “on.” If all else fails, consider replacing your thermostat with a programmable one for better control over cooling costs. 

Refrigerant Leaks  

A refrigerant leak can be challenging to detect and requires professional diagnosis by an HVAC technician. Refrigerant leaks reduce the system’s cooling capacity, which means it will have difficulty meeting desired temperatures in your home. If you’ve noticed that your AC isn’t cooling as well as it used to, this could be why. 

Tripped Circuit Breaker

If your AC suddenly stops working, it could be due to a tripped circuit breaker. Check the main panel and reset any tripped breakers for your air conditioner. If this doesn’t work, you may have a larger issue requiring professional assistance.

Blown Transformer

The transformer of your air conditioner is responsible for supplying power to all the components. If blown, your AC won’t turn on or run correctly. It requires professional diagnosis and repair.

Compressor Malfunction

The compressor is a vital component of an AC system, and it helps circulate the refrigerant throughout the system. It can cause your AC to stop working or not cool effectively when it malfunctions. Contact an HVAC technician immediately for diagnosis and repair if this is the case.

Blown Fuse

Another potential issue that could be causing your AC to stop working is a blown a fuse. Fuses are designed to protect the system from excess currents, but your air conditioner won’t run properly if one has burned out. Check for any blown fuses and replace them before calling an HVAC technician in for service.


These are just a few possible causes of an inefficient AC system. Of course, if none of these solutions solve the problem or you don’t feel confident attempting any DIY repairs, then calling a professional HVAC technician is always recommended. They will be able to provide expert advice on how best to repair or replace critical components like air filters, thermostats, and refrigerant lines so that you can get back to enjoying cool comfort in no time!


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